I highly anticipated this show being as Obama is a piece of history (if you didn't already know), and now he is being presented as a piece of art. These photographs encompass a young Barack Obama before he had any idea that he would be one of the greatest figures in our time today. It's inspiring to see these visuals up close and personal, the way they were supposed to be. God Bless.. well, Obama.

The greatest thing about the pictures is they were all presented in black and white. I think it's kind of ironic yet iconic that he is depicted in this beautiful way. The presentation is put together really well.

Of course, my personal favorite.

I would hate to give the whole show away so you'll just have to check it out yourselves. It's running until July 18th so you have some time. Go. Now.
Aaaaand a couple randoms from the main showroom.

by kylewong.