I've been living here in Los Angeles for about 7 months and have yet been to the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art). Until today. Oh joy, let the games begin.

A Post-War piece. Like you couldn't already tell.

And this.

This was funny. In the Post-War gallery, there was a little side movie playing. It was pretty wacked out to say the least and these 2 kids didn't seem at all fased by it. Than some old guy walks up and says, "Are you guys scared?" This is what they had to say, "...".

You might already know these guys..
Man Ray?

Pablo Picasso?

Now this guy obviously had monsters under his bed. The work of Victor Brauner..

On the other hand, probably my favorite section in the whole museum.
Sonia Delaunay's, "The Fabric of Color" definitely caught my eye. The use of pattern, color and texture brought forth a whole variety of work. No 2 pieces were alike and all told a very distinct concept.


Korean based artist, Choi Jeong-Hwa had a pretty hardcore piece outside I dug as well. "HappyHappy" was a piece that got the viewer involved above all. Choi invites you to take your own recycable piece and add to the fence. There's mine in the blue.

Maaaaan, I wish they allowed pictures in the (relatively new) BCAM (Broad Contemporary Art Museum) buildings. Otherwise, I'd show you the 12 Korean Artists Show and a few more from artists like Jeff Koons and Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein and.. everybody else.
All I got is this sneak attack shot of the main floor. Poo.

by kylewong.