Did you know the Norton Simon Museum was originally called The Pasadena Art Museum? Huh? I didn't know that either.
Anyways, I headed to the Pasadena Art Museum , *ahem* Norton Simon to check it out. Again, I've been a bad Angeleno so this was my first time and I was pretty happy. Free parking and free admission (props student I.D.) doesn't make the experience all that bad either.Vincent Van Gogh painted "Mulberry Tree" when he was in between transitions from the psycho ward. 6 months later, he committed suicide. This has no happy ending but darnit, it's beautiful.Theodore Rousseau's, "The Fisherman, Early Morning". I remember reading about Rousseau's work when I was in high school and the same fascination for his fantasy like paintings still move me. It's almost a photograph with it's realistic compositions but not.
Gee, guess I do still remember something from high school.Camille Jacob Pissarro's, "Landscape with Flock of Sheep".Edgar Degas painted this for some snobby old lady but she refused it. The reason for this was she thought Diaz depicted her as a prostitute waving to men. Hm.This "Ocean Park Series #8" piece by John Altoon is pretty rad. What we have is the sun with rays (left), the blue symbolizes a body of water and the green and brown symbolize land.Wilhelm Lehmbruck's piece, "Sculpture of Woman". Oh, oh. This was my favorite section of the whole museum. Apparently, the Norton Simon isn't all modern art.
Waybe Thiebaud proves me wrong. Watch the video below to see what I'm talking about.Sweet right? No pun.
Sooooo, Franz Marc was asked to complete a piece for an exhibition with the theme, 'Fantasy'. And "Bathing Girls" is what he came out with. Perv. I have to profess my undying love for 17th & 18th Century art from as far back as I could remember. It's seriously some of the greatest work in history. So emotional, yet disturbing. Sensitive and subtle but with an overwrought touch of insanity and darkness. God, I love this stuff. The Norton Simon also has a theatre. My legs (and fingers) were getting tired so I chilled watching the "Art of Norton Simon" which showed how much of an American Pimp he is.
Seriously, Norton dropped out of Cal Berkeley after 4 weeks and starting slanging art. Than he got pissed when he didn't win at an auction for an original Rembrandt piece so they started the bid again and he won. Dude's a monster.Final section, the Asian Art gallery. I was pretty much done for the day sooooo.. Sleeptime.