Saturday, July 11, 2009


I got a 2-for-1 special when I headed to Space 15 Twenty Thursday night for the "Captured" movie premiere. Luckily, I got in the Shepard Fairey x Arkitip show before it wrapped up Saturday.

Arkitip's celebrated its latest release with Mr. Obey in tow. What better way to release the issue than a super limited edition show to accompany the mag drop?

What probably made spectators and art collectors alike a little bummed was that all the prints were not for sale. Strictly all show. The only thing being sold was the Issue No. 0051 and a tee sold separately.

Though you shouldn't be fully disappointed, a 7.5 x 10 silkscreen print comes along with each purchase of the mag personally signed by Fairey himself.


Heard of them? Just a little tiny band.. Coincidentally, Bad Brains made an appearance in the "Captured" movie I saw only minutes later..

Buy the latest issue of Arkitip x Shepard Fairey Issue No. 0051 HERE.

by kylewong.