Monday, October 19, 2009


My 40D decided to commit suicide on me while shooting the Wellen event couple weekends ago. Though I thought I was lucky to get another shot of Misty a couple days later. Then, I just tried shooting some pictures for some clothes I'm trying to sell and it absolutely dead stocked on me. Error 99. Every photographer's worst nightmare.

Ohhhhh welllll. I didn't wanna send it to Canon just yet and wait weeks to get it repaired.. so I just bought a new camera. Like you just saw, it shoots video, it adds about 20 pounds to Derek's already chubby cheeks and it's a lot crisper in picture. Here are a few lovely ones from yesterday's dropoff..

Scenes from Gallery Godo: Home to
THIS FRIDAY'S opening reception to "The Dark Side of the Light" photo show featuring work from myself and fellow friend and photographer, Maria Laxamana. Warm. Up.

by kylewong.