Friday, January 1, 2010


Best posts of 2009? Hmmmmm.. I'll give it a shot..

Purchase of my new lens (EYES WIDE SHUT). ???!!! (SONIC BOOM). One of my favorite video pieces EVER (HILL OF OUR HOME). When things got a little complicated in my life.. (DEAD MAN WALKING). Dang right (I JUST MADE A MILKSHAKE). Hey Derek (A LITTLE UNDER THE BORDER)! Hey Misty (MMHMM)! Free food with the neighbors. Let me repeat, FREE FOOD (COUNTER ATTACK). On set.. and off (COLDER THAN ICE & LIFE IS HOT IN CHINATOWN). One heck of a day in San Francisco (GOLD RUSH). "Dark Side of the Light". If you know, you know (TELL TALE HEART). Oh, hi Denise (DOWNTOWN STATE OF MIND). What jump started all these ridiculous videos, starts with this (NEW MOON). Neil Patrick Harris (HOW I MET N.P.H.)? A new beginning (HOLY MOLY & SWEET CHARIOT).

Thanks for reading. God bless you.

by kyle wong